Automated Resilience Verification and Resilience by Design
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Informationstechnik, TU Munich
Holger Boche (PI)Lehrstuhl für Informationstheorie und Maschinelles Lernen, TU Dresden
Rafael Schaefer (PI) -
NIC-Level Co-Processors for Resilient Coded Networking and Computation
Chair of Network Architectures and Services, TU Munich
Georg Carle (PI), Sebastian Gallenmüller (PostDoc), Kilian Holzinger (PhD Student), Henning Stubbe (PhD Student), Manuel Simon (PhD Student), Stefan Lachnit (PhD Student),Chair of Integrated Systems, TU Munich
Andreas Herkersdorf (PI), Thomas Wild (PostDoc), William Wulff (PhD Student), Franz Biersack (PhD Student) -
ResCTC: Resilience through Cross-Technology Communication
Telecommunication Networks (TKN), TU Berlin
Falko Dressler (PI), Anatolij Zubow (PI), Sascha Rösler (PhD Student)Cybersecurity & AI Group, FU Berlin
Gerhard Wunder (PI), Shuchan Wang (PhD Student) -
One Code to Rule Them All: A Coding-Based Solution for Resilient Future Communication Networks
Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks, TU Dresden
Frank H. P. Fitzek (PI), Juan Alberto Cabrera Guerrero (PostDoc), Megane Gammoudi (PhD Student) -
Collective Resilient Unattended Smart Things (CRUST)
Sustainable Communication Networks (ComNets), University of Bremen
Anna Förster (PI), Shadi Attarha (PhD student), Julia Steiwer (PhD Student)Secure Mobile Networking Lab (SEEMOO), TU Darmstadt
Matthias Hollick (PI), Lucas Becker (PhD student), Davide Toldo (PhD Student) -
Resilient Power-Constrained Embedded Communication Terminals (ResPECT)
Telecommunications Lab, Saarland University
Thorsten Herfet (PI), Kai Vogelgesang (PhD Student), Ishwar Mudraje (PhD Student)Chair of Computer Science 4 (Distributed Systems and Operating Systems), FAU Erlangen
Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat (PI), Luis Gerhorst (PhD Student), Phillip Raffeck (PhD Student), Peter Wägemann (PostDoc) -
ReNO: Resilient Integration of Machine Learning for Enhanced Network Operation
Internet Network Architectures and Management, TU Berlin
Stefan Schmid (PI), Leon Kellerhals (PostDoc)Distributed Systems, University of Kassel
Oliver Hohlfeld (PI), Hozifah Bakar (PhD Student) -
Resilience meets secure networked control
Chair for IT Security and Cryptography, University of Wuppertal
Tibor Jager (PI), Jonas von der Heyden (PhD student)Chair of Control and Cyberphysical Systems, TU Dortmund
Moritz Schulze Darup (PI), Janis Adamek (PhD Student) -
Resilience by multi-connectivity network design in industrial IoT environments (REINDEER)
Institute for Communications Technology, TU Braunschweig
Eduard A. Jorswieck (PI), Zheng Ge (PhD student)Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks, TU Braunschweig
Lars C. Wolf (PI), Lara Jüschke (PhD student) -
Chair of Computer Engineering, University of Passau
Stefan Katzenbeisser (PI), Yaman Qendah (PhD Student)Applied Cyber Security Darmstadt (ACSD), Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Christoph Krauß (PI), Jannis Hamborg (PhD Student), Dustin Kern (PhD Student) -
Lernende Technische Systeme, Ruhr-University Bochum
Setareh Maghsudi (PI) -
Resilient Communication with Programmable Hardware (ReCoPro)
Kommunikationsnetze, University of Tübingen
Michael Menth (PI), Fabian Ihle (PhD Student) -
Telekommunication Networks (TKN), TU Berlin
Falko Dressler (PI), Doğanalp Ergenç (PostDoc)